Performance ASSESSMENT
We review performance metrics by channel to identify strengths and areas of opportunity. EGI will only accept work where we see significant growth potential through motivation.
Audit trail
Programs last 12-18 months on average, and we close the books every month on performance. This ledger of results is both immutable and predictive to help ensure your target is achieved.
strategy & Design
Our expertise is in behavioral science and proven strategies for delivering remarkable growth. We will ensure that the program is designed to achieve exactly that.
M&A Support
With global partnerships in Investment Banking, Risk, and M&A, we know the value of seamless communications and speaking the language of investors.
Program Management
With global scale, we execute turnkey programs that require very little internal time or resource. We manage all aspects of delivery to ensure maximum value impact.
Max Earn Out
Following a transaction, the continued operation of our programs deliver maximum value to sellers and buyers during the earn out phase.
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.